Frequently Asked Questions
Can I choose the age or gender of the child I sponsor?
You may choose the child you would like to sponsor from the offerings on our website, or you may simply indicate gender/age range of child you would like to support, and our organization will make the match.
How long is my sponsorship commitment?
We offer two types of sponsorships—ongoing and one-time. Ongoing sponsorships can be for any period of time the donor specifies, the most common time period being one year. Payments can also be made at specific intervals determined by the donor (i.e. monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.).
Sponsorships can also be a onetime donation designated for a particular child with the donor choosing the child.
How often will I receive news on my sponsored child?
You will receive updates and photos of your sponsored child after our spring and fall volunteer work team trips.
How can I correspond with my child?
You can send cards, letters and pictures to your child by sending them to Hearts Across Romania, 2544 Brookside Dr., Irving, Texas 75063. Be sure your child's name is on the correspondence. Please do not include your address in letters to your child, as we ask that all correspondence be sent through our office.
Can I send a gift to my child?
If you would like to remember your child in a special way, you may enclose small items in letters to your child. Some items that children will enjoy are: stickers, hair ribbons, picture postcards and other flat, inexpensive items.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Hearts Across Romania is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization under IRS code 501(c)(3). You will receive a receipt acknowledging your donation. Please check with your tax advisor about tax deductions.
How often should I send in my donation?
You may send in your cash donation on an annual basis, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly. Checks should be made payable to Hearts Across Romania. You can also make your donations via PayPal with the option of setting up a recurring payment for the duration of your sponsorship. Please note on your PayPal or check payments that your donation is for the Sponsor a Child program and indicate which specific child is the recipient of the donation.
Can I make my donation online?
Yes, you can make a onetime or recurring donation online through PayPal. A onetime donation can be in any amount and you can use a credit card or your PayPal account. Recurring donations can be made only with a PayPal account and can be in the amount of $25, $35, $50, $75 or $100 monthly for a year. If donating online, please complete the online Sponsorship Application.
Are children sponsored by more than one sponsor?
It is possible for children to have more than one sponsor depending on the level of sponsorship and the child’s needs. For example, a sponsorship level of $25 or $35 per month may not cover the financial needs of a particular child or sibling group, but two separate sponsorships combined might be adequate. Hearts Across Romania will monitor sponsorships and make determinations regarding maximum amounts per child on a case-by-case basis.